Operational efficiencies by fit-to-purpose technology, extended life for mature fields
XP operations Integrated Asset Management
IoT Hardware
Managed & Smart Field Devices
Data Acquisition
Real-time Data Capture & Smart Data Transmission
Data Management
Data integration, Connectivity & Translation
Time-series Historian
Business Intelligence
Data analytics
Dashboards & Context-based views
ell, Reservoir & Emissions Modelling & Simulations
Asset Optimization

Production Enhancement Contract (PEC)
Operational control is instrumental for success of our operating model
Incentives/ Risks
Transfer of rights
Outsourcing for fixed rate
Classic fixed rate contracts, e.g. Drilling, seismic etc.
KPI-based outsourcing
Projects linked to achievement of certain KPIs, e.g. drilling time planned vs. actual, project cost etc.
Risk service contract (RSC)
Similar to KPI-based, used for greenfields/ exploration licenses.
Service provide recovers incurred expenses + margin above after meeting contractual KPIs, usually tied to discovery / production
Client owns the license, reserves and production, and service provider assumes asset operatorship, CAPEX, and production risks
Production enhancement contract (РЕС)
Client owns the license, reserves and production, and service provider assumes asset operatorship, CAPEX, and production risks
Service provider’s investment pays back through service fee based on tariff per boe of delivered productionFit for producing fields requiring rejuvenation with limited technological and/or investment capabilities
Joint activity
Sharing of financial results, reserves and production License title stays with the Client
Farm-in / JV / PSA
Transfer of license ownership, reserves and production, or shared usage with a partner
Shared use of subsoil with the partner in the joint venture and/or with the State
Subsurface analysis and reservoir modelling.

Stimulations, sand & water control.

Artificial Lift & Completions.

Flow Assurance.

Process Optimization.

Secondary and Third recovery.

- Production growth
- Reserves growth
- Cost reduction
- GHG emissions reduction
- More targeted operations
- Higher production rates per operation
- Lower cost of operations
- More sustainable operations
- Strong investment capabilities
- Advanced data analytics
- Strong technical capabilities & international expertise
- Unique operational model
Romania – Project 1
Key project data
- Partner: IOC
- Location: Western Romania
- Beginning of production:1967
- PEC Inception date: April 2013
- PEC duration: until 2028
- Number of fields: 13
- Number of active wells: 229
- Geological zones: Pannonian, Miocene, basement
Assets problems
- Declining production
- High operating costs
- Corrosion of equipment
- Sand and water production
- High Skin and formation damage
- Significant losses of associated gas
Romania – Project 2
Key project data
- Partner: IOC
- Location: South-western Romania
- Beginning of production: 1953
- PEC new inception: 2016
- PEC duration: until 2030
- Number of fields: 13
- Number of active wells: 209
- Geological zones: Burdigalian,
- Sarmatian, Meotian, Oligocene
Assets problems
- Scale deposition that required acid
- Sand production
- Formation damage
- High heterogeneity of reservoirs
- Quality of well construction
- High corrosion and paraffin
Key project data
- Partner: NOC
- Location: Western Ukraine
- Beginning of production: 1924
- PEC inception date: October 2020
- PEC duration: until 2035
- Number of fields: 13
- Number of active wells: 152
Assets problems
- Low remaining pressures
- Obsolete surface infrastructure
- Poor geological model of assets and G&G data
- Low economic attractiveness of new operations due to low production rates and success rates
- Highest intensity of admin personnel